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    1. 🥳 Container Size Queries are live in Chrome 105, rolling out today! Go put things inside other things! And then measure outer things to change inner things! Here's the official syntax: oddbird.net/2022/08/18/cq-syntax/
  1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
    People have been requesting & polyfilling CQs since ~2010. But we all thought it was impossible. Huge props to davidbaron & bfgeek for finding the path through. & so many others who made it happen–spec writers, browser engineers, folks providing polyfills, demos, feedback, etc
    1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
      CSS does this cool thing where containers provide size to their contents AND ALSO contents can provide size to their container. Layout flows both ways. It's a pretty powerful feature, but it means 'measuring one to change the other' is kinda problematic & loopy.