If you've been playing with the Container Query prototype, you'll need to add "style" containment to your containers as well. Expect this to change again… This is why we prototype! TerribleMia/1389704339313225728
This is to close another potential loop: If you change a CSS "counter" inside a CQ, that change could impact counters outside the container, potentially changing the layout & impacting container size. Style containment isolates any counters inside the container.
At this point it seems very likely that we'll want a new, more explicit syntax for establishing queryable containers without listing individual containment types – but I'm not sure exactly what that will look like yet. There's an open issue: github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6174
(shadeed9, rachelandrew, piccalilli_, shipslinky, bramus, robinrendle … I know you have resources that might be impacted by this.)