terribleMia’s avatarterribleMia’s Twitter Archive—№ 9,783

  1. …in reply to @stubbornella
    stubbornella In 2007 I got my second real website client, quit my job as a print designer, & moved to Denver. I was not convinced that web dev would work out, so I went looking for side jobs – mostly electrical/lighting gigs, but also Lakeside Amusement Park a block from my apartment.
    1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
      stubbornella It was so close, & I thought it might be entertaining for a bit. But they yelled at me for coming at the wrong time to ask about applications, & yelled at me again when I didn't have my social security card in-hand submitting the form. At that point I gave up. 😅
      1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
        stubbornella I had another good near-miss, when I turned down a job designing abstract swoops & swooshes for the sides of RVs and speed boats. I was told you can *sometimes* get away with mountains, eagles, & flags – but generally you stick to vector swooshes.