You can use min() or max() *inside* minmax(), and the results are *great*. 😃 Just used: minmax(min-content, max(50vw, 60ch)) I love modern CSS so much. 1/2
This grid track will: - shrink to fit the content - expand only up to 60ch when there's space - then pause expanding until the viewport is 120ch - and start expanding again to retain half the viewport 2/2
3/2 for good measure: Combine this with auto & fractional tracks. Auto expands first, then minmax, then fractions. Then, minmax max() again. These are the "Stages of Squishiness" that jensimmons coined as part of Intrinsic Design, & part of only using "Media Queries As Needed"
A pen that roughly demonstrates the idea: codepen.io/mirisuzanne/pen/wvKErbK I could imagine also using clamp() to put another final max on this…