terribleMia’s avatarterribleMia’s Twitter Archive—№ 7,550

  1. …in reply to @heydonworks
    heydonworks eleven_ty The 11ty pagination feature does two things: 1. render individual pages for each item in the data 2. provide paginated navigation helpers Current setup is asking each post to render all posts. You have a few options…
    1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
      heydonworks eleven_ty If you really just want #2, navigation between posts, I would do it without the 11ty pagination helper. I would do that with a filter: - js: github.com/mirisuzanne/mia/blob/master/src/filters/pages.js#L16 - njk: github.com/mirisuzanne/mia/blob/master/content/_includes/site/series.njk
      1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
        heydonworks eleven_ty Use 11ty pagination when you want to create *new* pages out of existing data. You could do it with posts, but most useful for creating a paginated post-list index, since posts already render their own pages...