terribleMia’s avatarterribleMia’s Twitter Archive—№ 6,710

  1. …in reply to @stubbornella
    stubbornella Rich_Harris briankardell tabatkins slightlylate matthewcp gregwhitworth graynorton AdamRackis justinfagnani preetster necolas threepointone nex3 giuseppegurgone sarah_edo addyosmani timneutkens SassCSS I think it's a mistake to write off overlapping CSS/Sass features as the same. I use Sass vars and CSS vars for entirely different things. Some things belong on the server, and that's not likely to change.
    1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
      stubbornella Rich_Harris briankardell tabatkins slightlylate matthewcp gregwhitworth graynorton AdamRackis justinfagnani preetster necolas threepointone nex3 giuseppegurgone sarah_edo addyosmani timneutkens SassCSS There are aspects of that, like color-modification functions that I think would work well in the browser - I'm excited to see those CSS specs developing. In my experience people don't abandon Sass for CSS vars, but for cobbled-together features from PostCSS & frameworks