terribleMia’s avatarterribleMia’s Twitter Archive—№ 6,703

  1. Some proposed syntax options for web styling, circa 93-94 - starting with Rob Raisch: @​DEFAULT fo(fa=ti,sp=pr,si=14,we=me,sl=ro,fo=in,bo=in,li=no,nu=1,fn='') ju(st=le,hy=0,ke=0) co(nu=1,wi=80) br(lo=af,ob=it) @​UL in(le=5) @​LI ma(pr=ro,be=4) in(le=10,ri=10)
    1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
      from Pei Y. Wei: (HEAD,BODY fontSize=normal BGColor=white FGColor=black (H1 fontSize=largest BGColor=red FGColor=white ) (H2 fontSize=large) (A FGColor=red) (CMD,KBD,SCREEN,LISTING,EXAMPLE fontFamily=fixed) (BOLD,EMPH,STRONG fontWeight=bold) )
      1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
        from Steve Heaney: <outspec> <e-i-c gi="h1"><font size="24pt" bckcol="red", fontcol="white"></e-i-c> <e-i-c gi="a"><font fgcol="red"></e-i-c> <e-i-c gi="bold emph strong"><font weight="bold"></e-i-c> </outspec>
        1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
          from Joe English: <colors><color id=blue rgb="#​0000FF"></colors> <style gis = "h1" fontfam = heading fontshape = bf fontsize = huge align = center fgcolor = blue ></style> <style gis = "h2" fontfam = heading fontsize = large align = right ></style>
          1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
            from Håkon Lie h1.font.size = font.size * 3 h2.font.size = font.size * 2.5 h3.font.size = font.size * 2 and Bert Bos (adding media queries): *DL.leftindent: 3.0 narrow*DL.leftindent: 1.0 wide*DL.leftindent: 5.0
            1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
              There are more of course… w3.org/Style/History/