terribleMia’s avatarterribleMia’s Twitter Archive—№ 12,543

    1. …in reply to @anotheruiguy
      anotheruiguy WestbrookJ techytacos buildWithLit The main purpose is to be expressive of how different "concerns" are layered together. Anywhere you have different "parts of a system" that need to cascade together, layers establish priority. That's most obvious at a high/global level (eg components > patterns > resets), but…
  1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
    anotheruiguy WestbrookJ techytacos buildWithLit Design system components may have eg - the built-in default styles, some of which are important to functionality, & others are just default look - a few theme options that override look - limited ability for in-place customization "Different concerns being layered together"