terribleMia’s avatarterribleMia’s Twitter Archive—№ 11,817

  1. 🥳 Final issues have been resolved on CSS Cascade Level 5, the specification that defines Cascade Layers. Once those final changes are in the spec, it will be published as a Candidate Recommendation, meaning we consider it basically "done". My first complete spec as an editor!
    1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
      Huge thanks to a lot of people, like the co-editors (who have a lot more experience writing these things) – but also especially jensimmons who co-authored the original proposal with me, presented it to the Working Group, & got me invited.
      1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
        Now to see if we can get Cascade 6 (scope) and Contain 3 (container queries) into Working Draft before the holidays… 👀