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      1. …in reply to @SaraSoueidan
        SaraSoueidan beep While I broadly agree here, I think this glosses over a few things. Like the many forms of responsive design that were happening before media-queries or the article? But also, how specifics *do* become dated, & how useful it is to provide a new language to teach those changes.
    1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
      SaraSoueidan beep It seems useful that we remind authors: - we shouldn't be forcing % on everything anymore - in a lot of cases, you can make something more fluid by using flex/grid in place of media queries While that is all still broadly RWD, it can be useful to give it a name, and teach it.
  1. …in reply to @TerribleMia
    SaraSoueidan beep I get the need to maintain a through-line here. I start most talks by establishing that back to info.cern.ch. But I also think of moments like the RWD article as a good template for how to: - take an existing idea - show how new tools help - name & teach the new stuff